My French Lunch Break

While studying abroad in Cannes I grew to appreciate the importance the French place on their "dejeuner" (lunch). French lunch breaks are commonly 2 hours in order to give people time to truly relax from work, cook and enjoy their most extravagant meal of the day. This blog is dedicated to the idea of taking some extra time in the middle of each day to truly appreciate the gifts of food, nature, friendship, family, art and health.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Outside Lands

I applied to be a volunteer at this year's Outside Lands music festival in San Francisco, and I just found out today that my application was accepted!! Just a chance to get out of the OC and take a trip to SF will be awesome, let alone getting a free day pass to Outside Lands in exchange for a six hour volunteer shift! So excited, just had to share :) 

<3 Lyssa

PS- the Outside Lands website is awesome...mad graphic design skills on that team

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