You know what I hate more than anything--obnoxious sales people... Let me tell you why.
So, I have always loved dancing. I've taken classes since age 3, and I just find it to be a great way to increase physical and emotional health. I've been missing dance terribly since graduating, so I decided to check out some nearby gyms that offer classes to get my dance fix. I made my list of gyms to check out and was happy to find a mailer from LA Fitness offering a free 7-Day Pass in the mail Friday. I researched the class schedule at the nearby location in Orange and decided to try out Zumba and Pilates this morning.
So I forced myself out of bed bright and early and headed to the gym. The staff was very helpful in getting me checked in quickly so I could make it to the class on time and just requested I check back in afterwards. The Zumba class wasn't bad--not quite as fun as the one I took at 24 Hour, but still a good workout. But the Pilates class was awesome! The teacher was great and it meshed well with my Pilates background. I walked out off the class feeling great and pretty psyched about LA Fitness overall.
Then my experience went downhill...I walked up to the desk of the sales rep I'd spoken to earlier--Victor to be precise--and he asked me how the classes were. I began explaining that the Zumba class was not as good as I'd expected but the Pilates class was great and before I could finish my sentence he cuts me off saying, "Great! Yes, our classes are all much better than other gyms like 24 Hour. So should we get you signed up for a membership??" Granted this guy hadn't even toured me around the gym or asked me a single question about myself before going in for the close! I was so taken aback...aren't sales reps supposed to listen and make you feel heard to get you to want to buy??
I proceeded to explain that I just really wanted to do the 7-Day Trial, try some classes and then make a decision at the end of the week. Well, Victor wasn't cool with that. He went on to give me some nonsense about not being able to get the special monthly deal the flyer offered unless I signed up the day I brought the flyer in even though the flyer clearly advertised that you could give the gym a try and then benefit from the summer special. Sorry Victor--I'm not that stupid. By now, I was just angry, and I called him out on his backwards argument. Of course, five minutes later he was offering me some bigger and better deal with a 5-day money back guarantee. When I declined the offer, sticking to my guns on wanting to use my 7 day pass first, he asks if the money is the issue in a very condescending voice insinuating that I wouldn't have the money for the first payment. Not a good move. I rebutted saying I did not appreciate his comments or feeling pressured and would just like to redeem my 7 day pass and leave. Well now Victor felt bad so he promised that his "amazing" deal would still be valid at the end of my trial...surprise, surprise. He walked me to the door, still never having toured me or so much as asking me a single question about why I was looking to join a gym...
Needless to say I left feeling angry and totally turned off from LA Fitness.

So LA Fitness, start treating me like a person instead of a potential commission check, and maybe I'll reconsider.
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