My French Lunch Break

While studying abroad in Cannes I grew to appreciate the importance the French place on their "dejeuner" (lunch). French lunch breaks are commonly 2 hours in order to give people time to truly relax from work, cook and enjoy their most extravagant meal of the day. This blog is dedicated to the idea of taking some extra time in the middle of each day to truly appreciate the gifts of food, nature, friendship, family, art and health.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dejeuner de la Semaine: Thai Spice Stir Fry

As promised, this lunch of the week includes my new favorite spice: the Thai Spice blend from Cost Plus World Market! I took a recipe from the Native Foods Restaurant Cook Book (which I just received in the mail and am so excited about!!) for Thai marinade, which calls for 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup lime juice, and 1/4 cup maple syrup (weird right?!) and added the Thai Spice for an extra kick. I marinaded my tofu in this very interestingly scented concoction while grilling up a plethora of veggies (onion, yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli, and carrots to be exact). I threw in some peanuts  for the special Thai touch and then added the tofu and remaining marinade to the mix. About 5 minutes later I plated this sizzling stir fry with Trader Joes Harvest Grain Blend and enjoyed a very unique and colorful Thai Spice meal. The verdict: while my veggie selection kind of eliminated the traditional Thai taste, I still cannot wait to make this meal again! And makes great leftovers for work lunches :) Next week promises to be a full recipe from my new cookbook, so check in next Tuesday!

<3 Lyssa

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