My French Lunch Break

While studying abroad in Cannes I grew to appreciate the importance the French place on their "dejeuner" (lunch). French lunch breaks are commonly 2 hours in order to give people time to truly relax from work, cook and enjoy their most extravagant meal of the day. This blog is dedicated to the idea of taking some extra time in the middle of each day to truly appreciate the gifts of food, nature, friendship, family, art and health.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Invest In Yourself

Invest In Yourself. This philosophy is clearly in line with the purpose of this blog, and I have decided I need to start living by it more. It's been far too easy these past few weeks to sacrifice sleep and eating well and obviously blogging in order to finish all of the projects and homework I had. This only resulted in feeling exhausted and stressed, so I am going to commit to turn over a new leaf and really contemplate what I can commit to while still having time to invest in myself.

I started this weekend by cleaning my apartment to make it an aesthetically appealing place to live and study. Then at the grocery store I suppressed my Americanized urge to "stock up" on non-perishables in place of fresh produce so I don't have to go shopping as often and emulated the French by just buying the produce I need for the week and promising myself to make another trip next weekend. This not only makes the grocery bill significantly lower, but forces me to use the produce while it's fresh and avoid eating all microwaveable meals. Then I made a plan for each meal this week to make sure I can use all the groceries and I won't be throwing out food when it spoils in a couple weeks.

I went all out with my first meal of the week (pictured above) researching how to cook tofu like the pros and throwing in lots of veggies to my stir fry. Sharing the meal with my amazing roommate Telli while we exchanged stories about our weekends made it even better! Good food and good conversation always complement each other beautifully.

Here's to investing in ourselves. If you feel so inclined, share some suggestions or stories of little things you did to make yourself a happier, healthier person.

<3 Lyssa

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